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Found a total of 363 record(s) across 19 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

9 people have chosen to hide themselves from this list.

Character Name ▲ Job Class Base Level Job Level ▼ Guild
5 kHz Arch Mage 260 55 None
Adore Cardinal 224 42 Queen
Aghanim Dragon Knight 256 55 Yggdrasil Berry
Agni Miriyon Dragon Knight 257 55 Qeren Famiglia
Ajinomoto Dragon Knight 260 55 Vitrage
Akisame Dragon Knight 260 55 BEZNOGIM
AkunoHana Arch Bishop+ 195 70 Yggdrasil Berry
Alabama Shadow Cross 250 55 None
Alegria Troubadour 240 55 None
Alkirama Biolo 228 45 None
AllForYou Cardinal 219 40 None
Almigthy Shinkiro 260 55 Gods Throne
Almosthere Biolo 235 50 None
Alseif Shinkiro 260 55 De Espresso Liber
Amore Arch Mage 235 51 Serenity
Anew Returner Imperial Guard 260 55 Poison Lilie
Arthur Conan Doyle Elemental Master 260 55 Les Minous
Ascanius Hyper Novice 260 55 GameChanVL
AsinanID Shadow Cross 259 55 None
Asuki Cardinal 260 55 Pixel Legends
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