Temporal Manteaus Enchant

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Temporal Manteau Enchants

Temporal Manteau can be enchanted by using 9551.png Unsealed Time Key (9551) as enchant material.
Temporal Seal Key can be bought at NPC Muzaszir (@go market) with 1m zeny or 2 Nyangvine Fruits.
1 option will be given randomly as following table.

Temporal Manteau Enchantlist
Atk 5-40
Matk 5-40
Atk 1-6 %
Matk 1-6 %
Cri 3-10
Flee 10-50
MaxHP 500-2000
MaxSP 50-1000
MaxHP 3-10 %
MaxSP 3-10 %
Hit 3-10
reduce variable casting time 3-10 %
reduce delay after attack 3-10 %
increases critical damage 3-10 %
heal effectiveness 3-10 %
increases long ranged phyical damag 3-10 %
reduces delay after skill 3-15 %

If you get unwanted option. You can re-enchant it as much as you want as long as you have you have enough zeny or Nyangvine Fruit to buy Temporal Seal Key.