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Found a total of 325 record(s) across 17 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

5 people have chosen to hide themselves from this list.

Character Name ▲ Job Class Base Level ▲ Job Level Guild ▲
2147 Inquisitor 240 55 None
4Taw Arch Mage 260 55 None
5 kHz Arch Mage 260 55 None
A o x y Biolo 258 55 None
Admiral Azure v3 Dragon Knight 260 55 Vitrage
Adore Cardinal 224 42 Queen
Aedran Guillotine Cross+ 142 44 None
Aena Merchant 27 26 None
Agatom Merchant 21 1 None
AinTz Trouvere 260 55 Pixel Legends
Alizdracovic Dragon Knight 254 55 Myobokuzan
Altyd Cardinal 260 55 None
Aluna Loou Arch Mage 260 55 Smufs
Amore Arch Mage 235 51 Serenity
AnneArchet Imperial Guard 257 55 None
Ares Cardinal 260 55 Beef Pastrami
Ares II Arch Mage 260 55 Bacon Lovers
Armine van Gurem Abyss Chaser 260 55 None
Arthemyst WindHawk 249 55 Myobokuzan
Arun Troubadour 258 55 None
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