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Found a total of 247 record(s) across 13 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

3 people have chosen to hide themselves from this list.

Character Name ▲ Job Class Base Level ▼ Job Level ▲ Guild
12 years a slab Novice 10 10 None
1SAW Warlock+ 193 69 None
A e l i n Wanderer+ 99 1 None
A o x y Biolo 258 55 None
Abang Arch Mage 260 55 l x x x x x x x l
Abang JAM Meister 200 1 Martabak Leftover
Adoration Biolo 260 55 Desire
Adore Cardinal 224 42 Queen
Aelin Guillotine Cross+ 161 58 None
Amore Arch Mage 235 51 Serenity
Anais de Caril Trouvere 221 40 None
AnneArchet Imperial Guard 257 55 None
Ares II Arch Mage 260 55 Bacon Lovers
Asi Taulava Dragon Knight 245 55 None
Assumptio Cardinal 250 55 None
Asuki Wandy Archer 11 1 None
AsukiSoryu Cardinal 260 55 Endless Paradise
Aysel Elemental Master 232 48 Anabaseios
Azura Wanderer+ 200 70 None
Azusa Mechanic+ 190 70 None
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