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Found a total of 327 record(s) across 17 page(s). Displaying result(s) 21-40.

5 people have chosen to hide themselves from this list.

Character Name ▲ Job Class Base Level ▲ Job Level Guild ▲
Baby Boy Cardinal 231 47 None
Bad Breath Dragon Knight 260 55 HAYLEY FAM
Baked Lasagna Inquisitor 259 55 Warface
BaraBaraBere Night Watch 230 46 None
Beastboy Summoner 93 42 None
Beautiful Cardinal 260 55 Beloved
Beauty Trouvere 227 44 Cute
Bentables Merchant 26 19 None
Billy Bonka Biolo 260 55 None
Blachy Meister 249 55 None
Blasterd Soul Ascetic 260 55 None
Bliss Cardinal 226 44 Serene
BOBAcPAKETOC Biolo 232 49 UATco
Borikat Biolo 255 55 Lupon ng Mahihirap
Brienne Dragon Knight 221 41 Gemini
Budoy Spirit Handler 260 55 None
Buffs me Cardinal 259 55 HAYLEY FAM
bunception Mage 10 1 None
BuTaMuHka Biolo 260 55 None
Caelar Rune Knight+ 124 32 EcIipse
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