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Found a total of 279 record(s) across 14 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

11 people have chosen to hide themselves from this list.

Character Name ▼ Job Class Base Level ▲ Job Level ▲ Guild
Zefanya Cardinal 260 55 None
Zaila Blacksmith 82 32 None
Yuri Arch Mage 260 55 None
Yoli Cardinal 260 55 Corsairs
Yelly Stalker 93 64 None
Yanto Hyper Novice 207 30 EneKids
XoSofiya Trouvere 260 55 Lupon ng Mahihirap
Ximira WindHawk 260 55 Churros
x Tato x Dragon Knight 258 55 None
Wofooka Hyper Novice 206 29 EneKids
Wizard Of Light Arch Mage 256 55 None
Windy Rei Trouvere 240 55 None
Wilux Biolo 250 55 None
WeltChaos Assassin 74 20 None
Vivid Cardinal Cardinal 251 55 Peanut Pantheon
Vilyf00 Biolo 260 55 None
VIadilena Cardinal 249 55 None
Ventus High Mage 28 25 None
Vendman Blacksmith 66 3 None
Velouria Crystallight Arch Mage 259 55 Eevee
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