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Found a total of 269 record(s) across 14 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

6 people have chosen to hide themselves from this list.

Character Name Job Class Base Level Job Level ▲ Guild
Anabelle Mage 11 1 None
Sir Snuggles Baby 15 10 None
Lloyd Jiroh Shinkiro 200 12 None
Nyktos Warlock+ 102 16 None
WeltChaos Assassin 74 20 None
CheeseTortilla Expanded Super Novice 114 22 Toast
Inquisidora Sura+ 110 25 None
inqer Sura+ 110 26 None
Heaven Gates Acolyte 34 28 None
Pyra Mechanic+ 117 28 None
Smashy High Swordsman 32 28 None
Ralingwight Hyper Novice 207 30 EneKids
Wofooka Hyper Novice 207 30 EneKids
Yanto Hyper Novice 207 30 EneKids
Luana Arch Bishop+ 124 31 None
Ygg Axe Merchant 34 31 None
Saileach Saoi Genetic+ 122 31 December
Hibiki Shiro Hyper Novice 208 32 EneKids
Caelar Rune Knight+ 124 32 None
Zaila Blacksmith 82 32 None
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