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Found a total of 227 record(s) across 12 page(s). Displaying result(s) 181-200.

3 people have chosen to hide themselves from this list.

Character Name ▲ Job Class Base Level Job Level ▲ Guild
Rain Trouvere 227 44 Flower
Re8el Shiranui 255 55 None
Sacred Raphael Cardinal 235 51 None
Saileach Saoi Genetic+ 169 61 December
Savis Abyss Chaser 260 55 Amicorum
Schier Biolo 260 55 Golden Haven
Secks Hyper Novice 230 46 Box 3 Believers
Sell Meatballs Meister 243 55 None
Seoo Cardinal 245 55 Martabak Leftover
Serena Trouvere 226 44 Kawaii
Serenity Cardinal 242 55 Beloved
Shiori Novella Shadow Chaser+ 200 70 Advent
Shiso Inue Shiranui 247 55 Bacon Lovers
Sombria Shadow Cross 260 55 Ohana
Spark Arch Mage 200 1 None
Strom von Vanadis Genetic+ 184 66 None
Suki Langley Arch Mage 260 55 Asuki Version
Sumimasorry Wanderer+ 151 49 None
Sverlo Abyss Chaser 260 55 Cats Tavern
Sylia Maveys Elemental Master 260 55 Valeria
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