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Found a total of 258 record(s) across 13 page(s). Displaying result(s) 201-220.

4 people have chosen to hide themselves from this list.

Character Name ▲ Job Class Base Level Job Level ▲ Guild
Segredo Sura+ 174 62 Ohana
Serena Trouvere 226 44 Kawaii
Serenity Cardinal 242 55 Beloved
Set A B 0 Cardinal 260 55 None
Set A C 00 WindHawk 260 55 Boa Selada
Set A C 01 WindHawk 260 55 Boa Selada
Set D WindHawk 260 55 Renascence
Set R C 01 Soul Ascetic 260 55 None
Shadow Fox Abyss Chaser 260 55 Fox Lair
ShadowPhoenix Guillotine Cross+ 171 61 None
Sir Lanche Alot Dragon Knight 237 53 None
SirTanuki Summoner 117 51 Amicorum
SocaFofo Inquisitor 241 55 Clownphobia
Spark Warlock+ 162 56 None
Stella Heloise Cardinal 260 55 Shady Communication
Strom von Vanadis Genetic+ 168 60 None
SuJiuer Arch Bishop+ 156 53 LycoReco
Suki Langley Arch Mage 260 55 Asuki Version
Tanaka Cardinal 260 55 Tempelritter
Texas Ranger WindHawk 260 55 Biohazard Laboratory
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