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Found a total of 265 record(s) across 14 page(s). Displaying result(s) 21-40.

4 people have chosen to hide themselves from this list.

Character Name ▲ Job Class Base Level Job Level Guild
BardoT Troubadour 260 55 Churros
Beautiful Cardinal 260 55 Beloved
Beauty Trouvere 227 44 Cute
Beloved Shadow Cross 260 55 Beloved
BentUpFork Dragon Knight 237 55 JackieSquad
Bert Biolo 260 55 The Bread Wizard
Biolofairy Biolo 247 55 None
Bliss Cardinal 226 44 Serene
Br0nz Elemental Master 260 55 None
Brienne Dragon Knight 221 41 Gemini
Buffy 1 Cardinal 241 55 Majesty
Buttercup xd Soul Ascetic 260 55 Huus of Bread
Caelar Rune Knight+ 124 32 Moon
Cafe Cutie Arch Mage 260 55 Next Gen
Canelita Biolo 260 55 HEADSPACE
Canis Cardinal 260 55 Shady Communication
CardiNaldo Cardinal 248 55 Churros
Ceres Hawkwind Arch Mage 260 55 Endless Paradise
cerres WindHawk 240 55 None
Charm Cardinal 232 48 Queen
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